Innocence Vs Experience

In a world full of cloudy beauty. I stand up to part the sky.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Lilly Pinkfoot

Gosh, Is it possible that I think too much about anything? How can I train my mind to take a vacation once in awhile? I feel a new dawn emerging from me. Spent so long in darkness that a speck of light is a welcomed relief. I am a happier person when I worry less and put my fears to rest. But I am a smarter person for realizing. I'm not going to live my life convincing people that I'm sane. That would be madness. I shall simply glide across the sea of puzzled faces and search for those who do understand as I incline towards my rewards. Save those who can be saved but do not let them bring you down if they spiral deep. One day, I will turn all those frowns upside down and befriend the world. I've been scorned for dreaming a beautiful dream. But why should that be my concern. Battling for the peals of whimsical wisdom that I have known a lifetime.

Control. Without it, we will always be misguided souls; with it, powerful indeed. It is easy to gain as harnessing wild horses. The pursuit of the mind is greater than any steps we will walk. Envisage, dream and live with purpose. A greater purpose is the thrill of life that keeps us breathing, for who knows when might be our last.

Men were born equal with a clean slate. Now we can decide what should be inscribed. What kind of person do I want to be? My reply is an odyssey.