Innocence Vs Experience

In a world full of cloudy beauty. I stand up to part the sky.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Scrambled eggs for one

Actually, a lot has happened but I haven't had the time to think about it.

I don't belong in this world, I belong in the next. People don't like my thinking. I don't know what must scare them most, that I'm brutally honest or that there is truth in what I say. Where is my home where I am valued and appreciated? There is nothing great about England. I just need to find another NetCity bunch and mingle. I miss Chinese mentality so much. I'm bored and stressed out from the Western world. Bored being the key word. Listening to soap operas on and off the television just rots my mind. I feel as though I'm somewhat corrupted and infected with this madness which surrounds me. Where is the peace and the love in England. It doesn't exist sadly. I can never live in this country. This must be my punishment. If I hadn't known another world I could have been complacent. But no, I know there is something better out there for me. Some place where I can go and call home.

I rollerbladed two miles uphill a uneven road in high traffic. That's my biggest abolishment since I could withstand an hour session of kickboxing. Red in the face and gasping for breath. It's all good.

Jaw Chow is my dream man. He's hot, talented, educated, rich, gets me off, and the best part is that I see him whenever I want and never fight. Now there's a lasting relationship!

My delicate little petal. Oh how I adore thee so. Pretty as a picture and luscious as the nectar you bear. I count the ways I love you so. You captivate my eye and soul as you hold me closer. I don't have to say a word and you know me so well. Laugh and play all day. My beloved flower, I will never leave you. Let your thorns stand prominate to the world, but oh, let me cradle you. I long for the silken touch against my skin. Show me you love me and let me love you. I stand bare before you, eyes watery, clasping my nakedness, waiting for you. Take me into your world where there is no pain or sadness. I give you a gift extended to you with both hands. Take it and I pray that you will treasure it. Mind, body and soul. It's all for you.

I don't feel pretty, That's why I model.