Innocence Vs Experience

In a world full of cloudy beauty. I stand up to part the sky.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Cucumber face mask and Coconut smelling hair

You know your in trouble when you have spent the last five hours debating in your head about what to wear the next day and doing your hair, legs, eyebrows, exfoliating, plucking, using a face mask, moisturizing whole body, nails, more hair and a lots of changing of coats, clothes, and underwear. I've basically done the works tonight. I'm still not happy how my hips looks in that little brown dress but with the right accessories, it could work wonders. I'm feeling a whole lot more confident in some ways.

I have forgotten what it's like to have an attention to detail to myself and body. I have forgotten a lot of things I used to do. I do it not out of fear, but out of something else. I want to feel good. In the past none of these things really mattered since I left for Malaysia. Something has definitely changed for the better. I feel good about all the important things in life including my physical appearance. I won't let myself be afraid of this feeling from ending, only to enjoy it here and now.

I do love being able to wear dresses and skirts, makes me feel more feminine. I'm a girl after all. God bless my mom for trying to set an example. Makes me laugh some of the stuff she comes up with. Then at other times she makes me super-pissed off. I spend most of my time with my mom perpetually confused, just her. So sad.

Anyway, got a busy day tomorrow. Gonna cram AudoCad into my skull. The guy narrating knows what he is talking about, but sounds like a fucking moron most of the time. Damn architects. I know from today in an hours session how to draw a line on the screen. You would actually be surprised to know just how complex one line can get...Nightmare scenario! Still, it will all be worth the rewards. Hard-work and dedication can go a long way in this world.

I've been babbling on all day about design and philosophy, It just keeps going through my head and I want to know more and more. So little is written on the actual effects of design on the world at large. Particularly on economic growth, development and society. When you look deeper into these topics the question brings up a thousand others which can only be first explained through the entire history of design but in particular the industrial revolution. I would like to pinpoint and elaborately explain so many things in design. Like explain how practical solutions and never totally contained by practicality in extensive detail reciting and referring to past and present designers with all the exciting and interesting parts. I want to be able to tell people exactly how design has shaped the world with deep insight. And why the price of creation is always destruction.

These questions when I can fully comprehend, I want to share with the world and change pre-conceptual thoughts on the topic of design in the individual. But first step to this now is me getting some sleep for tomorrow.