Innocence Vs Experience

In a world full of cloudy beauty. I stand up to part the sky.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Sex, Love and rocknroll

When a woman gives her body to a man, she has come to some sort of agreement with her mind and body that sex is what she wants. When she believes the conditions are right and this is the person she wants it with. My point is that more and more women in `developing' countries do not wait long before going to bed with a man. Every woman wants some sort of emotional fulfilment and majority for women don't know how to get it from a man. The western-thinking woman I come across instinctly know that sex is a way for bringing themselves closer to man and brings the relationship to a new deeper level of intimacy. However if the foundations are not solid and there is not deep understanding of how their partner thinks then sex will always be sex and not making-love. It doesn't require virtually any trust to fuck someone, but to go deeper than fucking your heart and soul must be content to let their partner see all your flaws. By this I don't mean that a couple are comfortable enough to fart and belch in front of each other. But to understand each others insecurities and deepest worries. Most people do not even see these in themselves and it takes someone who loves you unconditionally to bring these obstacles to light and conquer them together. This strengthens the individual if they realise there are personal changes they need to make and they have support of someone there to guide them through. As a consequence this strengthens the relationship and brings it to another level. Now all of this is just from talking and listening and `reading' a persons actions. Then when emotional intimacy is at it's peak, it draws you to be physical to express yourself. Holding hands, playing with hair, caressing, kissing. Everything says volumes to the other person of how they feel.

For example as a contrast. I was in a park with a man and he kept trying to kiss me and hold me. Which is fine because I had kissed him before in closed doors. But the thing that got me was that he was trying assert himself over me in front of other men who were looking at me. So first this said to me that he has a deep insecurity of losing me to another man and the way to combat that is to establish a physical relationship and if I like the sex then this should ease the anxiety. However, it's trust he wanted from me, not sex. The sex would just be a bonus.

You have coined some women who exposes themselves as `just exhibitionists'. A category like depression, obesity, nymphomaniacs, and paedophiles. What you are saying is that they can't help being the way they are and their brain is wired to get a sexual kick out of exposing themselves. Which I'm sorry but it can be helped but it requires a lot of strength to see the error of their ways. Then again most exhibitionists don't even see a problem with what they are doing. Like men watching too much porn. Let me ask you, do you think there was as many paedophiles ten years ago as there is today? Or where they all in hiding? I think there are many more men that fall into this group today and a lot more are young males in their twenties themselves. So what's causing this demand? Could it possibly be that a naked woman is no longer taboo? That they want a younger body and mind? For what reason? Yes I generalise a lot when I talk because to go over each individual’s circumstances takes a deep understanding. I believe I can see why these `disorders' are cropping up in society like it's going out of fashion. I have had long conversations with criminal minds, paedophiles, exhibitionists, bi-polar suffers, all walks of life. Because I seek to understand what is the root of the problem. You will find these people aren’t happy on the inside, they just have a very good facade. So perhaps it is you that should get more exposure to the world? If you can't see that they are unhappy then you are fooling yourself.

Please tell me what would be the RIGHT reasons for `fucking around'? The way I see it is that more-so women in particular are fucking around because they haven't found what they are REALLY looking for. Back to my original point, they don't know how to get it.