Innocence Vs Experience

In a world full of cloudy beauty. I stand up to part the sky.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Wild Wonderlust *giggle* What a name. I can see more of a likeness with the saint Chay Kung. Reminds me of an article I read on santa clause. Who's image was derived from a Hungarian monk who once dropped coins down a chimney to a family who was going to sell their children into brothels. He did many good deeds and deserved the title of a saint, as do you. There is more truth to this world than meets the eye, it never ceases to astound me.

From telling me about your house in Chiang Sean only confirms once again in my eyes that China has an amazing ability to change overnight. For better or for worse, giant leaps are taken. I think China wants a country to be proud of. Reading about the overthrow of Kuomintang by the Communist and the warped views of Mao makes me think about the bigger picture than the individuals. To know the future is to know the past. For we can never tell where we are going without looking where we have come from. I am at spilt ends from thinking about my own heritage, for my great grandfather and his wives uprooted from China during the turn of imperialism to escape persecution. It's strange to think back to Malaysia and look at the Chinese culture today and see it in a new light. I don't understand what is the difference between Falum Gong and Qigong. I was in London one day outside the Chinese embassy and there was a bright-eyed auntie handing out flyers about Falum Gong. I had never heard of it before and I was dizzy from seeing the pictures of the people that were tortured and their organs sold. In these camps it said that these organ were sometimes taken when the person was still alive! I don't understand why China has banned this peaceful practice other than to prevent a revolution? I just had a look on wikipedia at the "republic of China" and there is practically nothing on its development before 1973. Mao's economic blunders 'Great leap forward' and 'Cultural Revolution' are all hush hush. This book 'Wild Swans' is banned in China, it details a hundred years of political and economic development. I agree with most of the Communist's policies in 1949 but not with the 'self confessions' or the 'witch hunts' for anti-communists'. It's hard to believe that 10 million people staved after communism was enforced to chase Mao's steel dreams where food production stopped. Then rather than admitting his errors, tries to wipe out anyone who may oppose him with the red army of children! I still take my hat off to China as it never gained forcefully from other countries like so many others.

Anyway, rant over! I am expecting an oocetha of Chinese preying mantis tomorrow, and i'm really excited about watching the hatch in my room. They are charming creatures and I was surprised to learn they have a martial art based on them! Speaking of which I have started training again regularly and enthusiastically. I am mastering a short-stick form before I can train with the broad sword. The movements are so graceful and my Sifu demonstrates them with such passion and beauty it makes my heart ache and forget that each move is deadly!

I have just ordered a beautiful deep purple violin as I wish to take up an instrument again. I saw this violin online and fell in love with it like the preying mantis and had to have it. I imagine my housemates won't be impressed for the first couple of weeks but they make so much noise so now it's my turn :) Now all I have to think about is managing my time. I love being busy and doing new things. I can hardly wait until university is finished and I can begin my travels. The first thing i'm looking for is a quiet place surrounded by beauty and a small income to fuel my whims. I don't mind the struggle, the journey is worth it alone when I stop to marvel and wonder. I do find myself increasingly angry at what I see lately. The smallest things can set me off. Last week I read in our student newspaper that the university is planning to spend £750,000 on a new reception area alone. I was outraged as I thought that money can go to a better cause for our education. So i rushed home and wrote a formal letter to the top man and got 100 names on a petition in a few hours. I will have to wait and see for a response now. But it does make me so angry how money is wasted. I would like to believe that one person can make a difference.

Although from a universal point of view we are each a speck of dust, this does not mean that our lives are insignificant as our size. For when we find solid meaning there is no better justification for breathing. You must tell me the story of the stream coming down the hill. Your insights part the sky in my world.