Innocence Vs Experience

In a world full of cloudy beauty. I stand up to part the sky.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Lost and found property

Do you know, throughout the entire duration of my blogging experience. I can see one thing very clearly. I am deeply confused. So confused, I have been forced to find logic behind every action and reaction, thought and feeling. All the time questioning, all this time truly lost. Even now, I wonder why, why am I THIS way, why not another way. Why can't I think like that, why do I want the things I want. This darkness eludes me, my thoughts are my shroud from the inside world and out. I was given some mild intelligence, and a need to please. A need to feel accepted just as I am. But nobody will. Not even my own blood. And why should they, I don't accept myself for who I am. Because I know, I am what I am because THEY all made me this way. Good and the bad.

I am just the skimmed product. Everyday I try to float the good but there's always one fucker with a big stick in my pool who stirs it all up. I don't care how wrong that sounds. Take it as you want.

Life was so much simpler being naive. It was "do whatever you want Zoe". Only later to find out it is do what you want within reason. I live my my own rules that have been put into my head. Everyone on the planet who has had social contact has. Ok, so it's not such a bad thing entirely. But now, I resent it all.

I am still a sad dejected person underneath it all. But that's ok, because I'm not the only one who feels the same ways as I do. That's no consolation to me. I'm angry because I am misunderstood. I am sad that I cannot find ways to make myself understood. I am frustrated that I cannot vent my feelings. I am hurt when people misinterpret what I say and do. I feel guilty when I know I have offended someone. I am lost and afraid when people can't listen to what I want to say. I am in a better position when I say nothing at all.

Emotional self-defense is easy. So easy they didn't even have to write an "idiot's guide" to it. You got one brick wall. Simple isn't it? Whenever you get the tiniest bit hurt or stressed out. Up it comes in all it's glory. Sky high so no one can see you behind it but you still got your ear pressed up against it. Waiting. Hear something else you don't like, fine, add a few more bricks on. But we are all waiting for an angel to appear. We all want to be saved. A heavenly voice that comes through our walls and calls our to our soul so softly. So enchanting and beautiful it erodes a gap in between two bricks just enough so now I can see a rainbow aura silhouette. My defense becomes my offence. My brick wall separating me from my angel. I summon up enough hope to melt right through the wall. I so desperately want them to take my hand and feel their warmth. Running for the light, it fades so quickly and turns to pitch darkness. The dark brings a chilling cold. I turn around to look for my wall. I am lost and alone I have no bearings. Nothing looks familiar looking back. My angel has left me and there is nothing here... Except more bricks...So what do I do now, I will protect myself in the only way I know how, I will build a stronger wall. This time I won't be so fooled by fairytale angels, they will all have to shout if they want me to listen.

The earlier walls in my mind will never disappear totally, regardless if one day my very own angel brings a chisel or a wreaking ball to help. The real angels will stand right beside you and see what you see.Never losing patience. You know, even angels have their own walls too. They are hard to see at first but they will become as real as your own. Brick by brick they actually stack on your own wall and you would never guess where your wall began and theirs ended. But somehow, it doesn't matter because now there is two of you looking at the same wall with all these bricks. In a smooth transition that you never even noticed, you actually think to yourself "I'm not so worried, my angel is here with me." And one day, if you are really lucky, you get to be your angel's angel.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Demon days revisited

Newsflash!!!! My childhood was traumatic.

Big whoop whoop. Wasn't everyone's? Saying that, I can't blame my therapists angle. I want answers, but I know the questions I ask have no logical frame. He recommend me a book for low self-esteem, I dunno although. I guess it could be the key. This ain't no light that's guiding me. What did he say? Fear, that's it, he said fear from losing someone sabotages everything. I am afraid of losing the ones I love. Clouds our vision, gets me asking negative questions which fuels the fire. It hard for me to disconnect from everything around me. I must stop this process in it's tracks. Is it ok to be confused about what I am confused about? I feel like I am losing the plot at times like these. I can't rely on someone to make me feel better, it has got to come from within.

I am battling myself. A war rages inside this cold exterior. Before there is peace, there must be war. One cannot exist without the other. Tough times indeed for me. I cannot parent my mother anymore. She must lead her own life. I must let go, or else I forsake my life for hers. Time to move on and focus on what makes me happy. Love. I have so much love to give but I am holding back from fear. Sometimes I am blinded from this. I am both the key and the lock. Is it true that true love heals all? Seems like a distant memory when my life was that simple. All we need is love, love, love. Nowadays its All we needs is love, constant reassurance, lots of patience, money, understanding, communication, hard work and a free mind.

Oh how I wish I never went and saw the world. I traded my innocence for a world full of knowledge and ugliness. Loving someone seems impossible if your heart is closed shut for monsoon season.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Roses really smell of you,oooo

How amazing. Seriously. This has got to be one of the better weekends of my life. I was chatting to one of my classmates online and then we went for a drink down the local as you do. Cracks me up she does. Good shite. I didn't think I could ever talk to girls for more than five minutes before they are dumping their shit on me and wallowing in their self-pity, but I am pleasantly surprised to be proved wrong! A good heart to heart and it is nice to sit on the toilet asking if it's ok to steal the bog roll cause we are students. Creased up laughing when the barmaid comes out the stall two seconds later. Classic. Just gotta enjoy life as it comes. Life is so fucking short it's tragedy. Micropenis... dear god woman, way to hurt a mans pride. He deserved it, fucking assholes!

Fresh start tomorrow, somehow I don't think it's going to matter if we get the most demotivated second year students in the uni. I'm sure Nadia will whip them into shape. Whooootish! Yeeehaaaaa!

Ms Jackson

Oh my, here we go again. My brain is on vacation. Suddenly I have someone to face the world with. To hold my hand tight as we go through paradise and dark waters. The lightest of touches unites us, bonded together by our souls. He scratches his nose and mine beings to tingle. There is no I in team. Reasoning and logic hold no power over love. How can there be? Just floating on a bed of clouds, so fluffy, so high.

I surrender myself, this heart beats for you, it always has. Hold me close and tell me that you have missed me. I melt and my knees go weak, but you will never let me fall. Pools of dreams in your eyes. So lovely as I share every thought with you. You know me well. Worry erodes and warmth sweeps over my body. Every muscle breathes with you. Tantalizing and teasing. Our song plays and a smile creeps on our faces before I rest my head on his shoulder. Sighing in union tapping our toes in synch. So natural so close.