Innocence Vs Experience

In a world full of cloudy beauty. I stand up to part the sky.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sponsor letter

Dear Mark Goldrich

I am very pleased to offer you and Euromarque the opportunity to sponsor the Design Festival held at the university of Bedfordshire. On the opening night BA Interior Design and BA Interior Architecture work will be displayed amongst our themed reception.

The grand opening will be inviting design companies and architects from Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, London and locally in Luton. This night only happens once a year for our students and we are looking for distinguished and reputable companies such as yourself to help make our night stand out and your products speak from themselves.

Our venue will at the Park Square campus on the 12th of June. Your generous sponsorship would be highlighted by your company name being announced by our in-house band and on our promotional materials. We will provide free table space to adequately display your products.

You and any other representatives of Euromarque would be most welcome to attend so that we could thank you personally for your support. You will receive VIP passes with your company logo and added to our guest list.

If you are interested in making our special night even better, please contact me on
0785-235-1453 or you can reply via my personal email address. I look forward to hearing from you.


Zoe Loke

Thursday, April 24, 2008

I am tiny in your hands

I will float free
and only he
will catch me
like a bumble bee

With care
If he dare
To hold me close
To love me the most

If i think he is a flower
He will have total power
If i think him a danger
He will be a stranger

I am tiny in your hands

Monday, April 21, 2008

For Phil


"Piece By Piece"

First of all must go
Your scent upon my pillow
And then I'll say goodbye
to your whispers in my dreams.
And then our lips will part
In my mind and in my heart,
Cos your kiss
Went deeper than my skin.

Piece by piece
is how I'll let go of you
Kiss by kiss
Will leave my mind one at a time
One at a time

First of all must fly,
My dreams of you and I,
There's no point of holding on to those
And then our ties will break,
For your and my own sake

Piece by piece
Is how I'll let go of you
Kiss by kiss,
will leave my mind one at a time
One at a time

I'll shed like skin,
Our memories of lazy days,
And fade away the shadow of your face

Piece by piece
Is how I'll let go of you
Kiss by kiss,
Will leave my mind one at a time
One at a time
One at a time
One at a time

Dear Phil, I've held onto my dreams of you and I for so long. I need to let go and become whole. There's just certain things I need to accept about myself and the world. I just wanted you to know that I think your such a lovely guy and you treated me well, for that I am grateful. You deserve the best in everything and so do I. You don't have to put up with stuck-up girls and I don't have to put up with men crushing my dreams and self-esteem.

There is nothing here for me and I know I will be happy in Malaysia. I'm going back in July for a holiday first, if I find work I will stay. I can only hope that in the future I will find someone I can love as much as I loved you. I am so sorry for playing with our hearts like yo-yos and not being there for you. I had to find out about life and love the hard way i guess. It's time i forgave myself and maybe you can too one day.

Don't settle for second best, you and I are worth more than that but now i understand that our paths may never cross again. I wish you love, luck and happiness Phil

If you really intend to go to Australia take good care of yourself on your adventure. I can see you being happy there. Do it right the first time.

It's probably not a great idea to message me back anymore so I wont be expecting a reply. It's ok, you don't have to say anything. I get the feeling you know what i am saying is for the best for both of us.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Hi i'm Zoe

I left myself clues for myself all this time
Of how to return back to my shrine
The Norton go back point of life
In case of emergency and times of strife

I knew I had, I've been wondering around in this jungle in circles
Searching for the trail but only coming to hurdles
I didn't know what I had left behind, only snippets of memories survived
Then finally after years of frantic searching I arrived

Back at the beginning where I had crossed many times before
I stopped and stared and suddenly I was in awe
There were many sticks and stones on the floor
But I looked up at the tree I never saw

Yes at least 8 years of growth, perfect and limber
Totally unlike the other timber
It was mine
All this time

I was fourteen when I dropped this seed
All the nourishment in the shell it would need
I remember the day clearly in my bedroom
Listening to songs hoping I would be saved soon

I gave up hope so many times thinking I had left bread crumbs
Cursing myself for being so dumb
No body told me what life after love would be like
Never made a seed for that, didn't expect the hike

Not all the seeds grew, birds flocked in and took away a few
But in this new awareness i arose and the ground shook too
I feel afraid, holding onto my tree
But I know exactly whats happening to me

Im remembering all those feelings i had
about what the world is like and things that make me happy and sad
Just trying to figure out who the heck I am
and wishing for the right man

In my innocence, I had it right
although it wasnt as easy as flying a kite
much more co-orientation, because in my world, i am everything
The string, kite, wind, rain, sunshine and I have a pair of wings
I look up and see the string in my hands
Smile playfully and hold it like grains of sand
Wrapped round my fingers ready to let go
in case a sudden wind pulls me to and throw

Im making a more beautiful kite with many more colours
A new hue for every new seed I want to grow

In my world we are all one and the same
I don't even mind if you laugh at my silly game
I'll smile with you
Because maybe I haven't a clue

Innocence lost and found

Theres still so much I dont understand
I can only hope I've got someone there to hold my hand
To guide me in this cruel world
Where innocence girls are hurled
To the lions den
To become the sexual fantasies of men

My heart bleeds for the innocence lost
The softness of skin turned into frost
Hardened over the years
It was hard to even shed tears

I was made into whatever you want me to be
I was here to make everyone happy
Unfortunately everyone has different ideas
Too many colours on the palette only becomes a smear

My open heart which used to beat in a steady rhythm
Got confused
Now Im back to the start
I cry for all of you that feel used

I could point fingers all day and prop up your eyes
Show you the world full of lies
You already know what is wrong and right
The trouble is learning to fight

People will tear open your beliefs
Shake the tree bare until you have no leaves
Promises of something better
In an attempt to make you wetter

Im sorry for my crudeness
There is no other way I can say this
I have a baby sister I love dearly
She shouldn't have to go through this clearly

There is a way
A light just for you today
Take everything precious you own
Tuck it away and only think about it alone

Where no one can see
The real beauty in you and me
Hold it there

There will be many times you feel no one understands
No one there to dry your tears or hold your hand
But when your heart says it's safe
It will open and you will have everything to share

You will have everything except the perfect person
If only you hold onto to your precious self
When he comes along he will always bring you back to health
But that health has got to be there before
Or else you will only get animals behind your door

listen to beautiful songs, read interesting books
Personality comes before looks
How you take care of yourself is important too
Like how carefully did you pick those shoes?

They might look good all sparkly and glam
and get the boys to say "damn"
But how far will they really get her?
Crippling her feet to look like a star

Play your cards close to your chest
Then you will do your best
Until you find a place to rest
And avoid dramas and save your head from being messed

Sisterly love

ive been thinking alot about what you have said to me n mom over the last days/months and years. I just want you know know that i take back every negative word and thought about jay ive had in the past. Ive seen you grow into a beautiful, talented and smart woman under Jays wing and for that i am truly thankful to him.

ive always loved you and tried to give you a heads up on advice and life cause i want to protect you. ive made many mistakes and repeated the ones i didnt fully understand. i think you know that about me already. Ill always be here for you, whenever you need me and do my best to give you what you need from a big sister and friend. id like to be your friend someday cause ur so lovely

you know ive made mistakes just so i know what to say to other people not to make the same ones. i was too keen to wear that "badge of misery" kc has. i didnt know how to communicate with him. but now i know a different way, im still finding the best way, and i want you to know, youve helped me more than you know.

im so proud of you Stef, as if id like to take some credit for your greatness, id like to think ive helped you in some ways. you inspire me to be a better person. but i dont think i can take any more bullets on the frontline for you. ive only been cruel to myself for putting myself in those situations. its so ironic you and i. i can only count my blessings that your my sister

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Shackles coming off

There's so much I'd like to do once uni is finished. Never before have I had such faith in the future and that it will bring me all that my heart desires. I am unafraid of possible failure now, as I have a deep rooted connection within myself that tells me that things will work out, some easier than others but now it depends on how I look at it. Life need not be a uphill struggle nor a downhill descent, the path is smooth and meandering. I have faith that just because I may not be able to see the road ahead of me at times, don't mean that It's not there. It is always there.

In my short life so far, I am truly fortunate to be where I am now. I may not be rich yet and financially free but this will come to me in good time through the good deeds I do for the world. I want to enrich others lives as others have done for me. The answers are soon to materialise how I can best serve people.

I had a powerful dream last night, they have been recurring more frequently lately. The last one, I was bizarrely in a women's prison. I had to work longer hours and harder than then other women, but I did not complain. Everyone was idle and lost for how to spend their time, but I was always occupied doing things to better myself. I was totally uninvolved in the hierarchy of bullies and the problems that dominated the others lives although I was always aware of them. I inadvertently made several women happen all at once through an innocent act of mine. I felt safe and content but always a strong desire to plan my future once out of the prison.

I believe this Prison is England for me and the gates are opening soon. Out of habit and familiarity, I will miss it. There will be times when I will back upon my time spent here and crave the simplicity and routine. Alas, there is a beautiful world waiting for me to explore and thrive in. To make my dreams come true with vibrancy and inner strength.