Innocence Vs Experience

In a world full of cloudy beauty. I stand up to part the sky.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Little miss guided

I have been meaning to put fingers to the keyboard to you for sometime, but have found myself daydreaming more than doing. I hope you are well and had a wonderful start to the new year. I have been burning the candle at both ends but laughing and having so much fun with new friends. Uni starts again soon and i've been very inactive the last few weeks that im sure it will come as a shock to my mind and body to push myself once again.

Over the recent weeks I grew a social life like a sponge taking in water again. It's been quite a rediscovery of people and myself. I've been rewiring myself to close one eye to the ugliness of peoples actions and focus on the goodness. To trust, to place boundaries, and to live for the moment. Im 23 this year and I feel this will be a great year for me leading up to the year of the ox. Maybe silly superstition but something deep inside has bloomed, I feel really good and as if im exactly where i should be. Fate is drawing things into my life that I want. Thank-you Tony, you are a blessing to me for all your words of a higher wisdom. I read 'the secret' and that too has sunk in. Once upon a time there was a girl called zoe and she naturally understood the law of attraction and got everything she asked for and more, but then when she didnt get what she really wanted one day, she abandoned her beliefs. Only then to keep receiving things she didnt want because she no longer knew what to ask for. Then one day a spiritual saint came into her life and gave her a gift no one else could. She remembered what it was like to have everything she wanted and how to have it in her life.

It is a count-up of the days until I can fly with wings unclipped. There is so much to do this year and the guided unknown is the most exciting part. When i walk to uni, i imagine myself flying above my body and over trees and buildings. When im back in malaysia my spirit and body will fuse.

What do you think about telepathy? As of lately there have been several incidences where I have mentally said a word before someone else finishes their sentence and they say it. Not sure what that means. It seems to be only one way at the moment.