Innocence Vs Experience

In a world full of cloudy beauty. I stand up to part the sky.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Life's teachings

The best food is when you haven't eaten and have a feast
The best experience is when you expect it the least
A home feels so warm when you've been in the cold
The power of youth is realised when we are old

A smart person will sometimes plead ignorance
A innocent mind wants all the experience
A selfish person hasn't realised giving is receiving
A faithful person has nothing solid to believe in

A winner will be quick to admit defeat
The best cure for a cold is heat
A survivor will look out for certain death
A thief will always be afraid of theft

The sweetest words come from those who hardly speak
The best relationships are those that haven't reached it's peak
The strongest love is between those that realise it's fragile
The best lovers are slow to start but extremely agile

The caged bird

The caged bird will not sing
If it has not the room to spread it's wings
You wanted control over this beautiful thing
But you choke it the harder you cling

Let it be free
Then you will see,
Why it is amazing,
And what you are facing

Telling it that it is pretty
Will not trick it into pity
It won't understand
And may bite the helping hand


What is love?
What's it got to do with doves?

What is a soulmate?
What's it got to do with fate?

What is freedom?
What's it got to do with a kingdom?
Letting go

The beauty taboo

They want good girls to turn bad
make it sound sexy, it's the new fad
to cast off shyness and modesty
for make-up and a hot body

They want you not to care
about what people think about your hair
to set loose so you'll step in their noose
of no hope and despair

They want what they know they can't touch
it's a taboo and they want it so much
because they know your skin is soft
and your eyes flutter like the wings of a moth

You are so beautiful and everyone can see but you
you should only believe a selective few
when they tell you of who and what you are,
and hopefully they will make you feel like a star

Friday, May 09, 2008

down-under and going-up


I realised sometime ago that i cannot run away from my problems, which is partly the reason i came back to uk to force myself to study and live here for three years. I'll admit, it was hard and at times i wanted to pack it all in and give up. But i stayed because i knew somehow i'd be a stronger person for it. I've not only achieved a degree in three years pa, i've achieved something so much more. I feel that i've never been closer to my family as i am now. Don't forget we was was each others throats out of frustration and misunderstanding and so much anger. I realised that i want to be a part of your life and for you not to be a stranger, i wanted to know how a daughter can love her father again without fear. Out of this i have grown a deep respect for you and have seen a light in you like no other! You fascinate me and i feel that i could listen to you for hours at a time and watching you cook or whatever! I feel that by knowing you i know myself so much better, that the other part of the equation is solved. Because of this, i have developed a deeper understanding of myself and others and a patience which i thought would never return. I love you. These are not empty words falling upon a strangers ears. For all that you are, the man you are,the enlightened soul you are and the father you are to me. It actually upsets me that when i leave i will not be able to randomly see you on a tuesday night out of the blue. But i have faith that when the time is right we will be spending a lot more time in each others company reminiscing over the past,present and future,wordly events and i love our talks on philosophy.

So as you see, it is so much more harder to leave this time around than when i was 16. I have a mother i adore and a sister i have seen bloom into a woman. These are unbreakable ties in my mind, my family mean so much to me and i will put them first before myself. As you know, i'm am best helping everyone if i am doing my personal best to create a life for myself. I need financial stability to help myself and help them. I feel that i will be a wealthy woman one day, i do not know how or when, i just feel it. I deserve it. Australia will open many doors for me, the doors of opportunity. With a helping hand from you, i can begin my quest to find out how best to serve humanity. You have already done so much for me, for which i am ever so grateful, you have been there when i needed you the most and cushioned the hardships i have endured. Please let this be your parting gift to me for which i will not let you down. I am 23 this year, i feel ready for the the world. You know, i have always despised the rat-race concept of society the same way my cousins have ever since you told me. For a long time i have been thinking about how not to be sucked into the system and lost forever. I want to work for myself. But i will do it the right ways. I have so many ideas and dreams of what i want and i will find the best ways to make them happen. I want to make you proud and i'm sorry i couldnt do it academically, my mind doesn't fit into those boxes. I'm a dreamer, same as you, i am a creator of my own fortune and destiny, same as you and i'm also wise enough to know the real world and its problems but for them to have minimal impact. I'm willing to work hard for the things i want and harder than anyone in my field. You have taught me to see the mind behind the mind and i carry these pearls of wisdom with always.

As always, i look foward to your reply

Love Zoe


Thursday, May 08, 2008

Dark to light

A broken soul feels the hole
Lonely and beaten
feels like it's been eaten
Stirring in the stomach
it's waiting the final plummet
bashed around
acidic sound
whats left inside this head?
i can't go any further
without self-murder
cause i look out and see grey
waiting in the que to get...
in the hive
never feeling alive!
i'm so deprived!!!
just trying to survive!!!
don't know if i'm going or if i've arrived!!!!
i scream into the darkness just to break this
You son of a bitch, you little sod
You did this to me, you pushed me can't you see?
What did you expect, a faithful little bee?
I can't break free
Try as i may
This can't be the way
Can you win a war with love?
Can you win love with a war?
Ah got you thinking again
Forgive yourself, amen
Look inside
and push the bad parts behind
What to you want?
riches to flaunt?
a hot woman to haunt?
no, something more than a whore
someone who won't bore
What do you want?
i'm not here to taunt
just here to maybe help you realise
to open your eyes

What do i want i hear you say?
a safe place in my mind to drift away
from the ugliness of the world
into which i was hurled
a shelter from the cold
and not afraid to grow old
I want to see beauty
in every leaf, every tree
to smile on the street when i see something funny
to love and hold the worlds cutest bunny
I want to feel free, beside the sea
on my own or with a friend or lover
to tell my mom how much i love her
I want to tell my dad i'll always be his little girl
wearing fluffy slippers, a princess in a twirl
I want to tell my sister she's so beautiful
from the inside out to the cuticle
I want people i care about to be happy
i don't care if that sounded sappy

Those are some of the things i want


I am the moon, milky and calm
subdued i wish you no harm
You are the sun, bright and powerful
always smiling and ever so playful
when our lips meet blue electric sparks
so intense without leaving any marks


i'm here in my room again going nowhere fast
bails of hay and tractors rolling past
what will become of me
i look in the mirror and its a skeleton i see
nothing infront east or west
it hits me like an elbow in the chest
i want to reach out to someone, anyone
is anyone listening on the other end of this microphone?
am i a rock or am i a diamond
i can never tell when im lost in the sand

Friday, May 02, 2008


We can go anywhere
where people won't stare
away from it all
all you have do do is call

and i'll be there
it doesn't matter where
let's have a daydream
to places we haven't even seen

just you and me babe
in the jungle, under the waterfall and in a cave
you take my hand
and all of a sudden our toes are in the sand

what we do, where we go
is up to us to go with the flow
this feeling inside
im at peace when your at my side

we can go for a walk
and just playfully talk
about anything and everything
i wonder what it would be like to have wings

lets fly
way up high
above the clouds
where there are no sounds
we can soar
and never fall to the floor
swooping up and down
we can see the whole town
it all looks so small
the buildings arnt so tall
i look at you
you look at me too
we can't believe we're flying
if we told anyone they'd think we were lying
but we really was there
up high without a care