Innocence Vs Experience

In a world full of cloudy beauty. I stand up to part the sky.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Once again or perhaps not at all, the world as I know it turns and reveals another surface. Much different and yet as if I have visited this in a dream or nightmare before, I have seen this. Glimpses of this gateway to clarity. As if I was fine tuning into a world unseen or touched. Brings with it much beauty and terror. It begins with an unsightly curious tear which convex and distorts. Bulging outwards, stretching the sinews of my mind, one by one snapping the frail connections. Blossoming forth almost through the anguish emits an explosion thrusting this new familiar beginning.

I enjoy thinking about how insignificant we all are. Really puts us into perspective.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Need to vent...

Too many thoughts and feeling travel up and down the duel carriage-way of that which is my body and soul. I must calm my impulses. Get it together before the unraveling begins. No decent today.

How do I feel? I feel tired, I need to be alone but that is not how I feel. I am living a life of independence and yet it feels no different from that being in a relationship. I need time.

Things that make me happy: A glass or wine or beer alone or with good company. Feeling a connection between myself and others with no strings attached, aka friendship? Dancing in a club with no drinks and a decent DJ. Exercise and sports, currently Tein Shan Pai. Working to achieve a bigger goal. Talking to my dad my emotional mentor who makes me feel normal. Talking to Tony my spiritual guide. Keeping busy and forgetting dreary details. Researching and sharing knowledge and wisdom. Dressing up and making myself look good. Eating and cooking healthy, and delicious cuisine. Being part of an Asian community. Solitary time and thinking about philosophy. Practicing Chi-Gong. Dispensing useful or useless advice. Being wild at times, reserved at others. Talking to my sister and laughing so hard it hurts.
I need no helping hand, I am in control. Although it can be said control is only a delusion, a delusion is what we all live in.
I possess all of the best humanly characteristics one can have, yet this is my facade and is sure to fade and reveal the worst. What kind of person does this make me? A very manipulative one I am sure. I can get my way with people yet once I have attained it, what comes next? A gifted and cursed life indeed. A life of loneliness, at least I can tolerate myself for prolonged periods. I am multi-dimensional and at all depends on which way the wind is blowing. I am a living and walking example of an oxymoron. Just do the things that makes you happy Zoe, and you can't go wrong. "Be yourself" is the most useless comfort words I have ever heard.

I just called my daddy. He is the only one who can understand me right through to the core. despite the fact we have never lived together or grew older with one another, he is my closest alliance. I am just a younger version of him yet to experience some of the hardship he has experienced. I could not imagine bearing the loss of a family member from a violent death. Yet death is inevitable we care and survive in life. I asked him to recite my goals and advice on social situations. He tells me only what I need to hear. Get a degree, whatever degree is ok. Keep friends and refrain from becoming a hermit. Don't have boyfriends now. Simple advice but it all goes to the heart. These are the key things that I will honour throughout these three years.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

All it took was a little bit...

Oh hell yeah. How damn good do I feel now?!
I have unlocked the secret of good climax and it only took me four years to remember! I blame the mooncake. Magical. For that moment in time I finally stopped thinking in language and saw and felt with my mind and body. I couldn't resist rolling my eyes in the back of my head as my whole body trembled over and over again!

I have wanted this for so long, I am still dazzled. You see, before when I had the most earth shattering big O's I was just inches away from climaxing without psychical touching of any sort. I could have multiples of multiples having the most intense orgasms for extensive amounts of time! Just to let you get a pictures, by the end of a hour and half session, I could not stand and had to just lay down in total blissful exhaustion. Forget every porn movie you have seen, I'm talking about the type where your whole body jerks in spasms, toe and fingers clench so tight as if your getting jetted into space. Your whole body flushes with heat as you wriggle as squirm against the cataclysmic build up of swirling colors and deep intensity like your whole body is being engulfed in a giant jacuzzi. Here I am trying to put words into this phenomenal experience which is what inhibited in the beginning so I won't!

You have no idea how much I have wanted this. It is a gift from the heavens that I should be blessed with such mortal pleasures again. I hope it won't be lost again. What has changed in my mind I do not know, but this is the beginning of something beautiful in my life. If you don't hear or see me for awhile, you know why!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Dare you

I have come to realize a deep connection between our wandering souls. Both seekers of the elusive truth in love and romance with arms wide open yet only to embrace a preset illusion of the mind. Yes, we have both trodden along the same path many times enjoying the details of what we may have missed the time before and piecing together a bigger picture. Suddenly our romantic attachment elopes all the previous ones yet still eludes us. The adage says that we will keep repeating the mistake until we finally realize that something we have missed. The big question is how can we charge our soul and find someone to share ourselves with? Psychology of relationships tells us that we do not find the one in six billion to be our one and only soulmate. We create our soulmate out of the next to perfect best match. It is not a conscience decision but when it does happen, chemicals in the brain and body are produced which makes us feel giddy and in love. It has actually been compared alike to a state of madness and euphoria when analyzed on Cat scans in laboratories! How ironic.
But I have actually come to realize however that I am chasing in circles. Yes learning much along the way from relationships, looking for that love that is buried inside my innocence and fairy-tale dreams. Once you have had a taste, it is one acquired and perused indefinitely. However, I have had to break the chain and step away from chasing these dreams which is leading me futher away from my goal and Mr Perfect. You hear about people falling in love in the most random places and the rest is history, but I am picking up and soul searching these people when they are just taken aback that I a total stranger would take deep interest in them. That's why currently I am having to physically stop myself from knowing everyone's inside story. I stand strong and stubborn to my vow of abstinence until my mind, body and soul is ready to open up to another person.
unfortunately happiness is only a temporary feeling with a partner and sure to fade speaking personally. Oh how we struggle for that lasting feeling that can take our breath away!
My directions in Uni is to uncover new grounds and most importantly be myself. It is too easy to become sidetracked and de-railed from peers and lonelyness. I remember to do at least one thing I like to do and stay true to my views and opinions. Most students are out drinking all night and not sleeping until their lectures are finished the next afternoon. However I feel this would devastate my health and well-being which is my main priority during my long three year journey and stay. But on all accounts I am no square as you know!
It is funny that you should say you have a somewhat mystic view of my actions and feelings. This is not your imagination working overload but yet a much more fascinating skill infact! From what you have described, this is your "mind's eye" at work. A third eye if you like which does allow you to travel where your body physically cannot due to technical impossibilities. Highly valuable and able to enhance like a camera zoom for clarity and definition. When in Malaysia I would be able to see my mom and into her stae of mind, even what she was cooking! This is much like a window into another dimension yet discredited and lost by natural extra sensory perception learners. The mind's eye is neither limited by time or space dimension. I have actually seen other planets unidentifiable in the Milky way!
I do feel as if I have something valuable to the world and mankind, I can give back to society and Mother Earth and make a difference however small yet significant. Possibilities are endless and conventional rules do not restrict my thinking which is a rare trait. I know my life journey will be filled with events and knowledge yet I have only a dream to pursue. I say "dream" opposed to "goal" simply because a goal is a dream minus impracticality and facts of cruel reality. These are the boundaries I speak of which must be overcome in order to achieve some form of greatness and personal fulfillment. The destination can be changed at any point of time yet when you arrive it is fate and destiny that I should be there. The elusive destination is never the real focus of life, the journey SHOULD theoretically be. What we do with our lives and how we choose to lead them are the real challenges and joys. And why not, we can't have fun when we are dead! So yes, live life to it's fullest YET bare in mind the boundaries set in our own minds to protect us from harm to self and others.
That what cannot be expanded sometimes should be left in that fashion. However, understanding and comprehending the unexplainable is vital information much like brain food. Questioning and pawing over that which puzzles our mind can lead to break-through thinking, on the flip-side, it can deteriorate the mind,body and soul and leave us in a worse situation than ignorance shielded us from. Curiosity never killed the cat but can leave it more confident and aware or shaky and introvert.
In life or afterlife, I think you should not have a fear of being judged either by mortals or gods. If you believe that you are leading a life in a productive and enlightened way you are not nearly there! Even our great Einstein believed that he was only a humble student to the Arts and Sciences. Mathematics baffled him and yet his natural inquisitive side questioned everything until is mind was satisfied. No one was born knowing 1+1=2 this is merely acquired knowledge passed down from someone who created the numeric system and thought that it made sense. Good thing too! But my point being is that retribution and divine judgment can still be argued and up for debate. Innocent until proven guilty right?