Innocence Vs Experience

In a world full of cloudy beauty. I stand up to part the sky.

Sunday, September 07, 2008


Hey Tony, So good to hear from you again

I'm doing well in Oz cruising along with the pace of a lazy turtle. It's the end of winter here for which i am glad as the cold makes me feel sad. Although Oz enjoys the same heat as Malaysia most of the year their attitude to it is quite different. Not a big fan of air-cons here and always out during the hotest hours of the day! Im sure the aussies dont enjoy the same good overall health the malaysians do! It is as if they are all english on hoilday here rather for the long-term. Ah well. I too am missing the adrenine rush of excitement. Life is what I make it but I am making it very humdrum for myself! I'd like to get myself a good job that I enjoy and I think its about time I woke up from my slumber.

It's strange to think malaysia and thailand is as how you describe it now. I can only imagine a time where the prime minister was adored and praised and a political harmony cast over. I hope that peace is resored quickly so that the countries I love so much can breathe easy again. I was planning on coming back in october with Barron for my cousins wedding and we managed to save two thirds of the trip quite easily. But we had a small fall out and the next day he went and spent it all to my dismay. He could only get two weeks off we agreed that i'd stay an extra two but he didnt believe that i would come back to him. Anyway the hope is now that for CNY we can go out. Do you have plans for around then? It means a lot to me that you offer you help, i know i am a very lucky girl. A big part of me wishes i had gone to malaysia before australia now. I guess when i finally do get there it will be all worth it. Do you think it would be difficult to get a work visa in malaysia? Its funny that im not sure exactly what dreams of mine to hold onto anymore. I am in the same prediciment i was eight years ago of figuring out how to combine love with a love of travel. Some people would be overly contented with what i have now and be able to settle into a nest of a life. Still the stings on my heart always pull for adventure and the carefree existance. Im not one for being weighted by domestic responsibility just yet. I dream of freedom but oh, how can i tell my love this? One part of me thrives now and another fades to the distance. Ironically its the same part of me he came to love first my sense of adventure and dreams now is cast to one side in favour of reasurance, trust and stability. I believe he is truely my soulmate and im ever so lucky to find him but yet he does not understand this passion i hold in my heart. How will I ever feel whole when I feel torn? Such deep thoughts reveal no answers to me at this time, i can only live life as i wish it to be and enjoy for the moment for it passes by in a blink.

Love your day and live to the fullest, masters of our own destiny truely
